after amber went to australia,
one day she sent me email and invited me to join an exchange diary project.
just 2 of us, wrote down words and took pics, sent email.
you know, i dont have the habit of writing diary.
i tried to do so, but the longest period i could remember was only about 2 weeks......
i dont know, but my philosophy is, to forget is better than to remember, so i never get used to writing diary.
however, i still accepted the challenge.
and i insisted throughout.
the meaning of the project is to practise writing skill....

this is the diary i used.

this is my hand-writing. (it's always changing)

it shows how we interacted.
it was an interesting process.
although we were not living in the same place, we knew what had happened on each other.
i forgot how it came to the end.
it's over now.
we are living in the same place again.
one thing havent changed is that, i still prefer forget to remember.