Check this out!!
It's gathered over 200 works with the theme LOVE & TOUCH from different cities
Im also one of the exhibitors!

i have submitted 3 works.
The above pic shows one of those.
I have been inspired by the Color-Blind test.
I took a normal body check before. I found I was nervous at the moment though my sight is normal.
It's called "Love is Blind".
we Chinese would describe love as 色, there are 男色/ 女色, 色迷迷, 好色......
if ppl are in love, honestly speaking, the involved parties are all blind, color blind.
it's common to hear " oh he is blind!! why he would have chosen this ugly girl?????"
and, parents' love towards their kids are kind of color blind too. "oh my daughter is always pretty in my mind."
and i would like to express the feeling of "眾裡尋她/他".
er..... then i make it.
show the other 2 works later!
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